But it’s still the employer’s responsibility to address it. No workplace is perfect, and anyone who has been in the...
Microsoft Investors Spur Sexual Harassment Review
A Workplace Harassment Lawyer in West Virginia Provides Details In late November 2021, Microsoft Corp. shareholders...
Facebook CEO Sued By Ex-Family Office Workers For Harassment, Discrimination
A West Virginia workplace harassment attorney provides the details Two ex-employees are suing Facebook founder Mark...
Ford Motor Company Sued for Pregnancy Discrimination
Our attorneys discuss workplace discrimination, workers’ rights Ford Motor Company is accused of violating federal law...
Former Assistant Police Chief To Sue for Wrongful Termination
An employment attorney in West Virginia reveals what you should know Nobody wants to be fired from a job. Sometimes,...
Workplace Discrimination at Tesla Factory Detailed in New Court Documents
The treatment of black employees was allegedly so bad at a Tesla factory, people had nicknamed it “the plantation.” In...
Paternity leave needs more support from employers, study finds
Employers need to do more to encourage fathers to take paternity leave, according to a recent study. Researchers say...
WVU doctor claims she was wrongfully terminated
No matter how far you go in your career, your rights as an employee can still be violated. Recently, a top U.S. doctor...
Drunk driving remains a big problem on our nation’s roads
West Virginia lawyers explain what you need to know to protect your rights The dangers of drinking and driving have...