Race Discrimination

Justice matters to our attorneys

The color of a person’s skin should not matter when it comes to companies deciding who to hire or promote from within. Unfortunately, racism still exists. And some businesses discriminate against prospective workers and employees on the basis of the color of their skin.

Workplace discrimination cases on the basis of race sound straightforward. But what makes these cases so complicated is many employers often deny doing anything wrong. Instead of admitting they didn’t hire someone because of their race, they often cite another reason.

But just because an employer says something doesn’t make it true. That’s why it’s critical that you have an experienced race discrimination lawyer on your side, defending your interests. That’s why you need Klie Law Offices in your corner.

A group of ten people in professional attire standing together and smiling in front of a backdrop with large books.

Types of discrimination

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed racism in the workplace across the country. Even so, race discrimination continues to be a serious problem more than a half-century later. Examples of race discrimination in the workplace include:

  • Not hiring someone on the basis of their race
  • Not promoting employee
  • Demoting employee
  • Poor job review without just cause
  • Wrongful termination
  • Verbal threats
  • Offensive comments
  • Physical assault

You have rights. And our experienced attorneys can help you protect them. Simply contact us and schedule your free case evaluation right now.

How we can help

We thoroughly understand all the state and federal laws created to protect people of color. That’s why we have such a strong track record of success when it comes to workplace discrimination cases involving racism.

There several approaches we can take towards resolving your legal issues. These include negotiating directly with your employer, filing a complaint with the Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or filing a workplace discrimination lawsuit against your employer.

Whatever approach you decide to take, we will work tirelessly to make sure your concerns are heard loud and clear. Racism should never be tolerated in any form, especially in the workplace. That’s why we’re eager to get to work on your case. We want to help you demand justice.

What you can expect from our West Virginia family law attorneys

The first thing you’ll notice when you come to our Law Offices is that we’ll listen to your story. We want to know what you’re going through and what you need. Then, we’ll explain how West Virginia law applies to your specific situation and what your legal options are. There are no cookie-cutter answers here. We create a legal strategy tailored to each client’s individual needs.

Depending on your situation, we will find the right path forward. We are adept at resolving family law matters through negotiation and mediation whenever possible. But we also won’t hesitate to take your case to trial if that’s what it takes to get the best possible outcome for you.

If you’re dealing with a family law matter in Buckhannon or anywhere in West Virginia, you don’t have to go it alone. Get an experienced family law attorney on your side. Contact us today to schedule your case evaluation with a member of our team. You can come to our office in Buckhannon, or we can come to you.